Sending or receiving money from abroad to Raiffeisenbank Au?
Find the right SWIFT/BIC code with our Raiffeisenbank Au Raiffeisenbank Au eGen SWIFT code finder.
Please remember to always confirm the correct code with the bank or recipient before sending any money.
Use to get a fee-free money transfer up to £500.
SWIFT code | RVVGAT2B405 |
Money transfer | Use to get a fee-free money transfer up to £500. |
Bank name | Raiffeisenbank Au |
Branch name | Raiffeisenbank Au eGen |
SWIFT code (8 characters) | RVVGAT2B |
Branch code | 405 |
Branch address | Lisse 94 |
City | Au (Bregenzerwald) |
Country | Austria |
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